Automation Testing

  1. What is NOT about Automation Testing? * (Single Choice)


  1. Automation Testing is a testing process which use automated tools to validate testing output correctly
  2. Automation Testing is a testing process which use automated tools to validate testing output and manage bugs of software
  3. Automation Testing is a testing process which use automated tools to prevent software problem


  1. What is the right concepts about Automation Testing? * (Single Choice)
  1. Automation help you have more free time
  2. Automation is expensive
  3. Automation is better than manual
  4. Automation limits human interaction in Software
  5. Automation reduces effort and increase quality


  1. What is xpath statement? * (Single Choice)
  1. //input[@id='Login']
  2. [id*='Login']
  3. html/body/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/span
  4. count(//td)


  1. What describes right work flow of browser? * (Single Choice)


  1. Let us know what kind of dish(es) you'll be bringing
  2. Browser is a software to storage a website
  3. Browser is a software to present a website
  4. Browser is a software to present only html scripts
  5. Browser is a server to request a website resource to present website content
  6. Browser is not an interpreter, it just reloads all contents from server resource


  1. What is NOT Browser Components? * (Multiple Choice)


  1. User Interface
  2. Browser Engine
  3. Render engine
  4. HTML and CSS
  5. Networking
  6. User Interface back end
  7. Javascript interpreter
  8. Data storage


  1. Automation task includes: * (Multiple Choice)
  1. Verifying Bug/Defect
  2. Running Regression Test
  3. Running Smoke Test
  4. Making output report
  5. Verifying Manual Test Cases
  6. Coding all functions of testing
  7. Finding solution to increase testing coverage
  8. Reducing manual mistake
  9. Reducing manual task
  10. Replace manual testing
  11. Training manual tester to automation tester
  12. Collecting and Researching new technical


  1. What does Automation Tester do when test case have some steps can NOT be automated? * (Multiple Choice)
  1. Passing them to manual team for testing
  2. Trying to find automated solution
  3. Ignoring them and continuing next test case
  4. Inserting manual steps into automation scripts
  5. Making some tricks to by pass these steps
  6. Telling to the client


  1. In software testing pyramid, which order should be followed to make a successful project? (Single Choice)
  1. Unit & component test -> Services test -> UI Automated testing -> Manual test
  2. Services test -> UI Automated testing -> Manual test -> Unit & component test
  3. Unit & component test -> Services test -> Manual test  -> UI Automated testing
  4. Unit & component test -> UI Automated testing -> Services test  -> Manual test


  1. When do we decide use automation for testing (Single Choice)
  1. Software cycle time is longer than balance point in cost comparison chart between Auto vs Manual
  2. Project has many test cases hard to perform by manually
  3. Too much test cases in project.
  4. Automation tool can support technologies are used in product.


  1. What is the first criterion when do we decide selecting an automation tool to our project? (Single Choice)
  1. Cost
  2. Scripting language
  3. Ability to build test framework
  4. Technologies support


  1. Which is correct when talk about table HTML (Single Choice)
  1. <tr> = row, <th> = header, <td>=cell
  2. <tr> = row, <th> = hidden row, <td> = table dynamic
  3. <tr> = row, <th> = header, <tc>=cell
  4. <tr> = row, <th> = hidden row, <td> = cell